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Neighborhood Intel: Block Analyzer – Neighborhood Revitalization

The Neighborhood Intel Block Analyzer empowers users to explore different Census data variables over a geographic area down to the census block level. This article provides metadata for the Neighborhood Revitalization section.

Knowing and understanding where the most impact for your money in your municipality is crucial. Using the Neighborhood Revitalization allows you to see what areas in your municipality will be impacted the most if you were to do a revitalization project.

Neighborhood Revitalization Filters

Predicted Rehabilitation Impact

The filter for predicted rehabilitation impact pulls its data from different categories from the United States Census Bureau such as housing and real estate, economic,  and social demographics. This is an in-house metrics designed Munetrix analytic. It is updated as soon as the census bureau releases new data. The Predicted rehabilitation impact filter shows you areas in your municipality that would benefit the most from rehabilitation. This is important because it shows you areas in your municipality that would be impacted the most from a rehabilitation project.


The legend is broken down into six different categories. The darkest blue (highest dollar amount) shows areas in your municipality that would have the largest dollar amount rehabilitation  impact and the lightest blue (lowest dollar amount) shows areas in your municipality that would have the smallest dollar amount rehabilitation  impact, with gradient blue and dollar amount  in between respectively.


The map to the right is of Lansing MI. We can see areas in Lansing that rehabilitation would have the greatest impact at a quick glance


Predicted Demolition Impact

The filter for predicted Demolition impact pulls its data from different categories from the United States Census Bureau such as housing and real estate, economic,  and social demographics. This is an in-house metric designed by  Munetrix. It is updated as soon as the census bureau releases new data. The Predicted Demolition impact filter shows you areas in your municipality that would benefit the most from demolition vacant buildings. This is important because it shows you areas in your municipality that would be impacted the most from a demolition project.


The legend is broken down into six different categories. The darkest green (highest dollar amount) shows areas in your municipality that would have the largest dollar amount demolition impact and the lightest green (lowest dollar amount) shows areas in your municipality that would have the smallest dollar amount demolition impact, with gradient green and dollar amount in between respectively.


The map to the right is of Grand Rapids MI. We can see areas in Grand Rapids that would have the biggest demolish impact at a quick glance.


Predicted # of Homes Impact

The filter for predicted # Home's impact pulls its data from different categories from the United States Census bureau such as housing and real estate, economic,  and social demographics. This is an in-house metric designed by  Munetrix. It is updated as soon as the census bureau releases new data. The Predicted # the homes impact filter shows you areas in your municipality that affect the most homes in a census group. This is important because it shows you areas in your municipality that would be affected. 


The legend is broken down into six different categories. The darkest green (highest number) shows areas in your municipality that would have the largest homes impacted  and  the lightest green (lowest number) shows areas in your municipality that would have the smallest homes impacted, with gradient green and dollar amount in between respectively.


The map to the right is of Saginaw MI. We can see areas in Saginaw where the most homes would be impacted.