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  2. Early Warning Module
  3. Early Warning Module Dashboard

Early Warning Module Overview

The Munetrix Early Warning Module helps educators quickly identify students who are "at-risk" for meeting key educational milestones, at the building, class, and individual student level.

⏰ Estimated Time:  2 minutes

Building and Class Levels

    • The Early Warning - Summary dashboard displays the distribution of students at low, medium and high risk for a building or class depending on the user's role.
      • Users with the District Administrator role  have access to student data across the entire district in each building.
      • Users with the Building Administrator role have access to student data across the entire building they are assigned.
      • Users with the Teacher role  have access to student data for students in their rostered classes.

    Blue = No Risk Students  (Turned off by default.)

    Green = Low Risk Students

    Yellow = Medium Risk Students

    Red = High Risk Students


    • Click "No Risk Students" in the legend to turn on if desired.


    • Click the level of risk in the desired graph for a list of the corresponding students.  Risk factors in other categories will also be displayed for each student, at the building level.


    Student Level Data 

      • The Early Warning - Summary dashboard displays an early warning dashboard for each student, as well as detailed data for each early warning category such as attendance, grades, discipline and assessments.
      • Upon selecting a student, the user can view a detailed snapshop of the student's information.

      Student Summary

      • Click Early Warning - Student for a snapshot of the student early warning indicators.


      • Click a category on the left for detailed data about the student for a specific category.