Munetrix pulls data from the MI Datahub API EdFi descriptors, based on the tables and descriptors listed below.
Districts using the MiDatahub API integration need to ensure that data for the fields below is being published from the SIS to the MI Datahub, for each of the tables and fields listed.
Table: Student Section Association
- SchoolYear
- StudentUniqueID
- LocalCourseCode
Table: Student School Association
- EntryGradeLevelDescriptor
Table: Student Education Organization
- SexDescriptor
- HomeAddressStreet
- HomeAddressCity
- HomeAddressState
- HomeAddressZipcode
- HomeAddressCounty
- MailingAddressStreet
- MailingAddressCity
- MailingAddressState
- MailingAddressZipcode
- MailingAddressCounty
- OtherAddressStreet
- OtherAddressCity
- OtherAddressState
- OtherAddressZipcode
- OtherAddressCounty
- HispanicLatinoEthnicity
- EconomicDisadvantaged
- StudentIdentificationSystemDescriptor1
- AssigningOrganizationIdentificationCode1
- StudentIdentificationCode1
- StudentIdentificationSystemDescriptor2
- AssigningOrganizationIdentificationCode2
- StudentIdentificationCode2
- StudentIdentificationSystemDescriptor3
- AssigningOrganizationIdentificationCode3
- StudentIdentificationCode3
- StudentIdentificationSystemDescriptor4
- AssigningOrganizationIdentificationCode4
- StudentIdentificationCode4
- TelephoneType
- TelephoneNumber
- TelephoneType1
- TelephoneNumber1
- TelephoneType2
- TelephoneNumber2
- RaceType
- LanguageLearner
- HomelessDescriptor
- ProgramParticipationStatusDescriptor
- CohortYearType
- CohortSchoolYear
Table: Student
- FirstName
- MiddleName
- LastSurname
- BirthSexDescriptor
- BirthDate
Table: Student Special Education
- ProgramType
- SpecialEducationProgramService
Table: School
- SchoolId
- NameOfInstitution
Table: Section
- ClassPeriodName
- EducationalEnvironmentDescriptor
- AvailableCredits
- SequenceOfCourse
- MediumOfInstructionDescriptor
- ClassroomIdentificationCode
Table: Sessions
- SessionBeginDate
- SessionEndDate
- TotalInstructionalDays
Table: Staff Section Association
Table: Staff
- FirstName
- LastSurname
- StaffUniqueId
- ElectronicMailAddress
- RaceDescriptor
Table: Courses
- AcademicSubjectDescriptor
Table: Supplemental Nutrition
- SupplementNutrition